Manuel Oliveira

My name is Manuel Oliveira (he/him). Currently, I’m a postdoctoral researcher at Eindhoven University of Technology working on the topic of AI in Education.

I have a background in Psychology and my doctoral work focused on the relation between personality stereotypes and social attributions based on facial appearance. Most of the work I’ve done in the past years involved statistics, programming (R & Python), experimental design, and scientific writing. After my Ph.D. I moved on to an R&D industry job where I gained further experience with coding skills, how businesses operate, Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications, and working with teams with diverse professional and cultural backgrounds. During that period, I became increasingly interested in the challenges emerging from the growing presence of AI in society. This led me to seek new roles where I could learn more about how people interact with technology in general, and more specifically AI. I found my first opportunity to work on this topic in a postdoctoral position at Utrecht University, where I spent my time research topics of trust in AI and human-AI interaction in general.

Since 2024, I’m working on the topic of AI in Education as a postdoctoral researcher at Eindhoven University of Technology.


  • Utrecht University, Postdoctoral researcher, Coordination Human-AI Alliance program | 2022 - 2023

  • Philips - Digital Cognitive Diagnostics | Data Modeller & Researcher | 2020 - 2022

  • ISPA - Instituto Universitário | Teaching Assistant | 2016 - 2019

  • ISCTE-IUL | Research Assistant | 2014

  • University of Lisbon, Faculty of Psychology | Teaching Assistant | 2013 - 2014 University of Lisbon, Faculty of Psychology | Research Assistant | 2012 - 2014

  • Publicis Groupe | Strategic Planner | 2009 - 2010


PhD in Social Psychology | 2015 - 2019

ISPA - Instituto Universitário | Lisbon, Portugal & Utrecht, Netherlands

  • Graduated with Honor and Distinction

  • PhD Dissertation: “The structuring role of valence in the relationship between and within models of face and trait impressions”

MSc in Social and Organizational Psychology | 2009 - 2011

ISPA - Instituto Universitário | Lisbon, Portugal

BSc in Psychology | 2006 - 2009

University of Aveiro | Aveiro, Portugal